An awesome list of information to help developers writing better, kinder, more helpful documentation and learning materials
"If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?"
- Humanizing Your Documentation
- Prose for Programmers
- Writing READMEs
- Google Developer Documentation Style Guide
- The Best API Documentation
- Writing great documentation
- The Four Layers to Great Documentation
- 3 Essential Components of Great Documentation
- How I do Developer UX at Google
- Documenting Architecture Decisions
- Writing Documentation When You Aren’t A Technical Writer Series
- What's the best way to document JavaScript?
- Make a README
- “Just”
- Write the Docs Podcast
- Mr. Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Children
- Lowering the barriers
- Lessons Learned in a Year of Docs-Driven Development
Writing Technical Tutorials & Posts
- How to do technical blogging
- Carbon
- Five tips for improving your technical writing and documentation
Other Resources
Documentation Tools
- Gitbook
- mdBook
- retext-assuming
- Alex
- Builder Book
- um - Command line utility for custom man-pages
- DocToc - markdown TOC generation
- Docusaurus