
anz wholesale sample restful api backend project

Primary LanguageJava

ANZ Wholesale RESTful Backend Sample application

Tech Stack:

  • SpringBoot
  • Spring Security + JWT
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
  • Lombok
  • Mapstruct
  • Spring Data JPA
  • H2 in-memory DB
  • Mockito
  • MockMvc
  • Flyway


  1. How to run this application
  2. How to access the spring boot restful application
  3. PostgreSQL version based Wholesale Application
  4. Advantages of this application

This is the springBoot based RESTful API. It supports the below functions:

  • Application support H2 in-mem DB and Postgres DB, by default H2 is being used. If you want to use postgres DB, application-postgres.properties shall be used.
  • List all accounts
  • List all transactions by account id

How to run this application

  • Navigate the the root folder /wholesale under the command line
  • run the command to build the whole project: gradle clean build
  • run the command to start the application: java -jar ./build/libs/wholesale-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to access the spring boot restful application

Application by default provide the below 3 users:

username/password : tiger/password (normal user without any admin role). this user can login successfully but not allowed to get account list nor transaction list

username/password : sisi/password (admin with role admin and read/write permission). This use can login successfully and be able to access all the endpoints.

username/password : cathy/password (group admin with role group admin and only read permission) This user can login successfully and allowed to get account list but not allowed to get transaction list.

Please find the postman collection file in postman folder and import into your postman to check more details.

PostgreSQL version based Wholesale Application

I also prepared PostgreSQL version. Please follow below steps if you want to try PostgreSQL version

  • Navigate the the root folder /wholesale under the command line
  • rename application.properties to another name e.g. application_backup.properties
  • rename application-postgresql.properties to application.properties
  • setup postgres DB in local
  • run the command to build the whole project: gradle clean build
  • when the above step is done, run the command java -jar ./build/libs/wholesale-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Advantages of this application

  • Hibernate builds the entity layer to connect PostgreSQL database server
  • Flyway prepared the initial data.
  • Spring Data JPA builds the repository layer (DAO) & H2 in-mem database used as Unit Test to test this layer
  • Mapstruct used to map data between entities and dtos
  • Mockito and MockMvc unit test service and controller layer
  • All the exceptions can be centrally handled in one place (ControllerExceptionHandler.java)
  • Lombok makes our life easierIt automatically generates getter,setter, constructor, hashcode, log etc.
  • Dockerfile utilize multi stage and put application files into docker instead of using fat jar.
  • Utilize Spring security to implement authentication and authorization.