
Hi Blinks! This is an open-source app that contains scrollable lyrics to all of the BlackPink MVs. Uses the youtube Android API and is legal as it is unmonetized!

Primary LanguageJava


Built app to play Black Pink Music Videos with scrollable lyrics in romanizations and english translations to help Blinks sing and understand their favorite comebacks!

  • Only Black Pink Lyric app to include Music Video and lyrics (in Roaminzations and English translations) together on an open Android Activity.
  • Implemented playback of all Black Pink music videos on theVideo Player Activity using Google’s YouTube API for Android development.
  • App exhibits modern material design with complete responsiveness using XML layers to apply custom gradients to all cards in the Recycler View.
  • Increased the Video Activity load speed by 50% by using local string resources (in XML) over a Firebase Firestore database.

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