PSMN HPC tools for everyday sysadmin.
PSMN is "Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique", the Computing Center and "MesoCentre" of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
ClusterShell python module, with NodeSet, from CEA
execo python module, from INRIA, also execo-g5k-tools
shellcheck linter for bash scripts
milkcheck ansible/salt-like from CEA
These are small scripts and sets of scripts we use on a regular basis.
build a CSV list, from cluster's nodes, of firmware revisions and PSIDs, when upgrade time as come... Ease the choice of firmware images for download and burn.
flash infiniband firmware, based on PSID.
Create a 'GUID hostname' map file, for use with Infiniband topological tools.
(Rewrite of ibtopviz, with more options, colors, speeds, to suits Boss needs.)
Create a colored infiniband map (graphviz DOT format). Usefull to spot cabling problems. See dedicated README (README-[en|fr]-ibmapviz.rst).
We use SIDUS as our main boot/managment system for compute nodes.
two script used to add batch of hosts to general config(s). First, use
, then
two scripts to get data from ipmitool, save in CSV file, then plot. Usefull when a node may have problem(s) (T°C, power consumption, memory fault, fans, ...)
get serial number from host(s). For maintenance contracts purposes.
Some little scripts used on our servers.
follow homes space consumption on data servers.