
Checking Slack + Travis CI integration

Primary LanguageShell

Slack Travis-CI Demo Project

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It's a simple demo project, to improve and refresh skills, and have some practice in integrating Github + Slack + Travis-CI. Contains simpliest tests in Python.

Integrate Travis-CI to Github

Just find it in Github Marketplace and follow the instructions.

Slack workspace

You need Slack workspace and account to make Slack integrations with Github and Travis-CI.

Slack integrations

In Slack just click "Add apps" button and find "Github" and "Travis-CI" apps for slack. Select channel where you want to receive notifications.

For subscription on Github repo just type subscribe command in channel

/github subscribe <owner>/<repository>

# Example. For this repo it will be
/github subscribe ltblueberry/slack-travis-demo

Add Travis-CI app to channel. You will get token, which is used in .travis.yml configuration file. You can see or regenerate this token in Slack Workspace -> Administration -> Manage apps -> Travis CI -> Configuration.

Travis CLI

We need travis cli to encrypt Slack Travis-CI App token to store in .travis.yml configuration file.

Install Travis CLI for MacOS

brew install travis

To login we need to have Github Access token. Open Github Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens and create token for travis integration. You need at least public_repo permission.

Login to Travis CLI

travis login --github-token=<token>


I made simple project with one file with tests test.py in play-travis folder. Also I made bash script test.sh that executes in Travis-CI. I added configuration file for Travis-CI is .travis.yml. It had next content

dist: trusty
sudo: required
language: bash
- bash test.sh

It's a simple config for a simple project.

Encrypting token

To add encrypted slack token to your .travis.yml configuration file you need to execute next command (switch to repository directory before command execution)

travis encrypt "<slack_workspace_name>:<slack_travis_token>" --add notifications.slack

You can find your command in Slack Travis app settings (*Encrypting your credentials section).

After that you can find next strings in your .travis.yml

    secure: <your encrypted string>


PR #1 completed and there are next notifications in Slack channel. PR #1 Complete

PR #2 was created. You can see it is in progress. PR #2 Created Github PR#2 info. PR #2 Info

PR #2 completed and there are next notifications in Slack channel. PR #1 Complete

Travis notifications about commit to play-travis branch and PR #2 Travis notifications