
Save a picture as Webp file in Comfy + Workflow loading

Primary LanguagePython


Save a picture as Webp file in Comfy + Workflow loading


I'm a novice at best at coding and some of the code is pretty hacky, so this can definitely break.

Also, Webp only supports files up to 16383 x 16383.

Known issues:

Import of Webpfiles breaks if import a workflow that has }Prompt:{ in a Node that has dynamic wildcards disabled.

Node doesn't resize on Save - image is in there, just needs to be resized to be visible.


This adds a custom node to save a picture as a Webp File and also adds a script to Comfy to drag and drop generated webpfiles into the UI to load the workflow.

I've added a compression slider and a lossy/lossless option. The compression slider is a bit misleading.

In lossless mode, it only affects the "effort" taken to compress where 100 is the smallest possible size and 1 is the biggest possible size, it's a tradeoff for saving speed.

In lossy mode, that's the other way around, where 100 is the biggest possible size with the least compression and 1 is the smallest possible size with maximum compression.

On default it's set to lossy with a compression of 80, below are examples for that.


Use git clone https://github.com/Kaharos94/ComfyUI-Saveaswebp in your ComfyUI custom nodes directory


Lossless with compression set to 100, 17069KB https://postimg.cc/2bPkkFN9

Lossless with compression set to 10, 17059KB https://postimg.cc/bZTwxt1d

Lossy with compression set to 100 , 5384 KB https://postimg.cc/WFDpcYCJ

Lossy with compression set to 10, 174 KB https://postimg.cc/VSkLDkFg

Lossy with compression set to 80 ( Default ) , 935 KB https://postimg.cc/3yfr6QST