
udacity project for the data analyst nanodegree

Tableau Data Story


The visualisation is a brief walk through the tragic sinking of the Titanic more than 100 years ago. The key finding is that women had a survival rate of more than 70%, while less than 20% of all men on board survived. For women travelling in the first or second class that rate was even higher. Also children had a higher rate of survival suggesting that "women and children first" held true on board of Titanic.

Links to datastories

story_v1 = https://public.tableau.com/profile/lennart.telwest#!/vizhome/TheTitanicSinkingv1/Overview?publish=yes story_v2 = https://public.tableau.com/profile/lennart.telwest#!/vizhome/TheTitanicSinkingv2/Overview?publish=yes story_final = https://public.tableau.com/profile/lennart.telwest#!/vizhome/TheTitanicSinking/Overview?publish=yes


Initial Version

The first story should give an introduction to the dataset, so I chose the packed bubbles to show the unequal distribution between men and women as well as first and 3rd class. I chose the two bar charts to highlight the distribution of the most influential features: gender & class. This is also the reason for them being the two filters to the first story point. In the second part I chose the packed bubbles, bar chart and histogram to show the unequal distribution of embarkment and the distribution across age, gender and city of embarkment. Also I wanted to add some consistency across the whole story to make reading through the story easier. In the final part I wanted to show the impact of each analysed feature to the chances of survival by using stacked bars for gender and class to show the share of each on the total group of survivors as well as a histogram with binned ages to be able to visualise many data points in a readable way.

Final Version

The main objective was to show the higher chance of survival that women on board of the Titanic had. This is why most graphs and visualisations are split by gender. The feedback that the visual encoding of gender was not consistent as well as not always in place was very important to create a red line in the story. Also the first version that included different bar charts which showed that gender had the highest impact did not communicate it as clearly as I wished. So I decided to go for a scatterplot that shows the impact of the class and gender on the chance to survive. In general the final version focused to only show a few, meaningful distribution plots that compared the rate of survival between classes.



  • good introduction of the dataset
  • visualisation types are well picked
  • visualisations in first two sections are hidden
  • colour formatting is not consistent


  • summary is missing
  • dive into survival is missing
  • dashboard is rather a selection of questions -> create story around findings


Titanic Sinking - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic#Sinking Data Visualisation Playbook - https://d17h27t6h515a5.cloudfront.net/topher/2017/May/5919424e_03.datavisualizationplaybook/03.datavisualizationplaybook.pdf Build a Pie Chart - http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/buildexamples_pie.html How to Show Filters in Dashboard? - https://community.tableau.com/thread/147638 Visualisation Guide - http://extremepresentation.typepad.com/blog/2006/09/choosing_a_good.html