ABLFXSaveSystem is a helper class written in Objective-C which can be used in iOS and Mac OSX Applications to save data. (Also works perfectly with the iOS/Mac game engine "cocos2D"
Save integers (int)
Save floats (float)
Save strings (NSString)
Saves the data into a clean .plist file
Extremely easy to use
Import ABLFXSaveSystemIOS.h & .m if you're using this in an iOS application otherwise import …MAC.h & .m
Allocate ABLFXSaveSystem
ABLFXSaveSystemIOS *mySaveSystem = [[ABLFXSaveSystemIOS alloc] init];
Save strings/ int's / floats's
[mySaveSystem saveString:@"string Value" withKey:@"stringKey"];
[mySaveSystem saveINT:4563 withKey:@"intKey"];
[mySaveSystem saveFloat:5.674f withKey:@"floatKey"];
- Load strings/ int's / floats's
NSLog(@"loaded String: %@", [mySaveSystem loadStringForKey:@"stringKey"]);
NSLog(@"loaded INT: %i", [mySaveSystem loadINTForKey:@"intKey"]);
NSLog(@"loaded Float: %f", [mySaveSystem loadFloatForKey:@"floatKey"]);
- Load data directly into variables
NSString *myString = [mySaveSystem loadStringForKey:@"stringKey"]
int myINT = [mySaveSystem loadINTForKey:@"intKey"]
float myINT = [mySaveSystem loadFloatForKey:@"floatKey"]
- Dont forget to release the Save System after use!
[mySaveSystem release];
If you like this consider supporting me by buying my game "Be The Kiwi" for iPhone/iPad:
Downloading "Be The Kiwi" for Mac OS for free and leaving a kind review ;)
You can use this helper class in any personal & commercial project. All I ask is
that you don't seel the class itself
Feel free to contact me about any improvement requests / issues via mail
(contact@ablfx.com) or via Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/blunckalex)