##Planned improvements:
- adding and removing thumbs during runtime.
I'll be glad to hear your requests
CDCircle - is UIView subclass. It's, let's say, the base of a CDPieMenu. It's a circle drawn using CoreGraphics/QuartzCore.
CDCircleThumb - UIView subclass, is a single segment in a CDPieMenu. It's subview of a CDCircle. Highly customisable. More information about modifying a thumb is listed below.
CDIconView - UIImageView subclass, it handles colouring of an icon. CDIconView is subview of a CDCircleThumb.
CDCircleOverlayView - this is independent view outside of the main view hierarchy. It handles selection of a thumb. It cannot be subview of a CDCircle because then, it would turn around with a circle.
- -(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect) frame numberOfSegments:(NSUInteger) nSegments ringWidth:(CGFloat) ringWidth
- -(void) circle:(CDCircle *)circle didMoveToSegment:(NSInteger)segment thumb:(CDCircleThumb *)thumb
####Data source:
- -(UIImage *) circle:(CDCircle *)circle iconForThumbAtRow:(NSInteger)row
- -(id) initWithCircle:(CDCircle) circle
- dataSource - data source of CDPieMenu.
- delegate - delegate of CDPieMenu
- (UIColor *) circleColor - Set this property to change color of a circle. It may be usable when you want to achieve specyfic effect (e.g. semi transparent thumbs, and coloured circle will create some effect)
- (NSArray *) thumbs - all thumbs.
- (CDCircleOverlayView *) overlayView - a pointer to CDCircleOverlayView
- (BOOL) inertiaEffect - it determines appearance of additional rotation after the last touch.
- (CDIconView *)iconView - a pointer to thumb's CDIconView
- (UIColor *)separatorColor - color of a separator
- separatorStyle - it can be CDCircleThumbsSeparatorNone or CDCircleThumbsSeparatorBasic. Style of a separator.
- (BOOL)gradientFill - If gradientFill is set to NO, a thumb is coloured with solid color
- (NSArray *) gradientColors - colors of thumb's gradient.
- (NSArray *) colorsLocations - locations of colors in a gradient
- (UIColor *) arcColor - if gradientFill is set to 'NO' we can set thumb's color using this property.
- highlitedIconColor - color of an image when a thumb is selected
- overlayThumb - pointer to a thumb which is the selector (central thumb)
Use this code to implement standard CDPieMenu:
CDCircle *circle = [[CDCircle alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10 , 90, 300, 300) numberOfSegments:6 ringWidth:80.f];
circle.dataSource = self;
circle.delegate = self;
CDCircleOverlayView *overlay = [[CDCircleOverlayView alloc] initWithCircle:circle];
[self.view addSubview:circle];
//Overlay cannot be subview of a circle because then it would turn around with the circle
[self.view addSubview:overlay];
Code used to achieve effect shown above :
circle.overlayView.overlayThumb.arcColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.00f green:1.00f blue:0.25f alpha:0.4];
Code used to achieve effect shown above :
for (CDCircleThumb *thumb in circle.thumbs) {
[thumb.iconView setHighlitedIconColor:[UIColor redColor]];
thumb.separatorColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
thumb.separatorStyle = CDCircleThumbsSeparatorBasic;
thumb.gradientFill = NO;
thumb.arcColor = [UIColor greenColor];
In order to use CDPieMenu add following frameworks to your project:
- CoreGraphics
- QuartzCore
CDPieMenu is licensed under MIT license
Thank you guys for promotion