
NorMedTerm is a large Norwegian lexical resource of medical entities mapped to semantic categories. The resource contains over 77,000 unique entries and merges terms from several medical databases. Most terms are mapped based on database information, some (ca. 14%) are automatically mapped based on heuristics, of which a smaller amount (ca. 1000 terms) were also manually evaluated and revised.

This work is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, more specifically by the BigMed project.


The resource is distributed as a TAB-separated file, with the following columns:

  • term
  • semantic category of entity
  • source ID (acronym of list / database)
  • ICD code (if applicable)
  • mapping method ('manual' or 'automatic')

The following 12 semantic categories are included:

Category Explanation
ABBREV abbreviations and acronyms
ANAT-LOC anatomical locations
CONDITION diseases, findings, symptoms
DISCIPLINE medical disciplines / areas
MICROORGANISM bacteria, viruses etc.
ORGANIZATION institutions etc.
OTHER category other than the ones specified
PERSON types of practitioner or patient
PHYSIOLOGY physiological functions
PROCEDURE medical procedure and treatment types
SUBSTANCE medicines and other substances
TOOL medical instruments and tools

Terms from the following sources were included (available from the Norwegian Directorate for e-health unless otherwise indicated):

Source ID Source name
MO Medisinsk ordbok 'Medical Dictionary' by Kunnskapsforlaget
ALOC List of anatomical locations
FAM-HIST NorSynthClinical, a Norwegian synthetic corpus of clinical texts
FEST Forskrivnings- og ekspedisjonsstøtte 'Prescribing and dispensing support' by Legemiddelverket
ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases
ICPC-2 International Classification of Primary Care
LABV Laboratoriekodeverket 'List of laboratory codes'
PROC Prosedyrekodeverken 'Procedure Coding Schemes'


Please refer to the following article when using this resource:

Ildikó Pilán, Pål H. Brekke, Lilja Øvrelid. Building a Norwegian Lexical Resource for Medical Entity Recognition. To appear in Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Multilingual Biomedical Text Processing (MultilingualBIO). PDF

Terms of use

This resource is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 licence.