
Norwegian Synonymy Test Set

Primary LanguagePython

The Norwegian Synonymy Test Set

This repository holds the Norwegian Synonymy Test Set, defined for evaluating the task of synonym detection. The test set was created by extracting words and synonyms from the digital version of Kunnskapsforlaget's "Norske synonymer blåordbok" by Dag Gundersen.

Terms of use

The Norwegian Synonymy Test Set is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence for academic research purposes only.


norwegian-synonyms.json comprises a total of 24,649 headwords and 106,749 synonym tokens (and 30,756 synonym types). The test set is distributed as a JSON dictionary of headwords. Each headword is associated with a list of synonyms. We do not differentiate between word meaning, e.g., the lists are flat:

  "kar": [


In order for the evaluation scripts to work, gensim must be installed. Further, the model must be compatible with the original word2vec implementation and provided in text format.

find_most_similar.py computes the 10-most similar words of each headword in norwegian-synonyms.json. It computes cosine scores between the headwords and the restriction most frequent words and outputs the result as a JSON dictionary to most-similar-path.

evaluate_most_similar.py evaluates the computed 1, 5 and 10 most-similar words with regards to norwegian-synonyms.json. It essentially computes precision and recall scores as two variants of accuracy.


python find_most_similar.py <model> <most-similar-path> <restriction>

python evaluate_most_similar.py <model> <most-similar-path>


A supplementary test set, norwegian-synonyms-grouped.json, associates each headword with a list of lists of synonyms, e.g., synonyms are grouped by meaning. This test set may be used for tasks such as word sense induction. Spelling variants are provided separately in spelling-variants.json.


If you publish work that uses or references this resource, please cite the following master's thesis:

  author    =     {Stadsnes, Cathrine},
  title     =     {Evaluating Semantic Vectors for Norwegian},
  school    =     {University of Oslo},
  year      =     {2018}

Or this NIK article:

Evaluating Semantic Vectors for Norwegian
Cathrine Stadsnes, Lilja Øvrelid, Erik Velldal