
Modifications if possible?

mvthul opened this issue · 8 comments

Is it possible to post the leverage and percentage used of available wallet balance through the POST request itself?

Also can in change the config so we don’t need to use password and subaccount but the key and secret also in POST reqeust?


"ticker": "BTCPERP",
"exchange": "FTX",
"time": "2021-05-20T20:36:22Z",
"action": "sell",
"price": 35800,
"message": "exit",
“risk”: 20%,
“leverage”: 25,

"short SL": 37200.00,
"short TP": 0,
"long SL": 38000.00,
"long TP": 40000.00,
"APIKEY": "abcdefg",
"APISECRET": "abcdefg"


Hello, the leverage is calculated according the risk and the position (enter price & SL price) so you don't have to define it since it will calculate itself, but indeed it is possible to write the risk inside the POST request, then in your flask application you would need to consider it instead of the ENV variable defined.

Regarding the APIKEY and APISECRET it's a bad idea to put it there, security wise.

Wow great yeah I'd love to see what you can build around

size = (free_collateral * self.risk) / abs(payload['price'] - stop_loss)

This is already coded, the risk variable initially retrieved within the environment variable should just be replaced by the one inside the POST request.

Hi you made the images that's cool.

I'm actually quite busy with other projects right now however I can share with you some knowledge.

First like I told you you don't need to specify the leverage if you are already specifying the risk you want to take. If you want to buy BTC with 250 USDT at 20000$ and cut your losses so that you lose 62.50 USDT if the price hit 19000$ that would require you to trade with a leverage of 5, not 50, not 25. This calculation is made automatically inside the code and does not need to be changed. A trader doesn't adjust his leverage according to his desires but according the risk he want to take per trade.

If you're new to trading and this concept of leverage is not clear I advise you to learn first about trading as you will also encounter many (bad) surprises if not.

If you want to use testnet or livenet through payload keys you don't need to change anything since it is already the case. Your subaccount key is either linked to a testnet or a livenet account.