
Rust bindings for Semtech 12xx LoRa radios

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Rust bindings for Semtech 12xx LoRa radios

Cloning, building, testing

You can use cargo to build: cargo build [--release]

The configuration in .cargo/config is configured to build only for the thumbv6m-none-eabi platform currently.

The code in the example directory is for the STM32L0 Discovery kit, which features the STM32L072CZ.

To upload the code, start a debug server using either JLink (Note: you can reprogram the ST-Link on the discovery kit to act like a JLink Server; you will lose the virtual UART over USB provided by the ST-Link): JLinkGDBServer -device STM32L072CZ -speed 4000 -if swd -AutoConnect -1 -port 3333

or OpenOCD server (Note: if you are using the OpenOCD server, you will want to update .cargo/config:runner to use openocd.gdb instead of jlink.gdb): openocd -f ./openocd.cfg

run the example: cargo run --example stm32l0x2 [--release]

Run tests: cargo test --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --tests

Dependencies and Build Errors

Apt install all the things

Here's a quick list of things to get your started with a build system on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi cmake llvm-dev


llvm-config missing

On Ubuntu 20, for example, do:

sudo apt install llvm-dev


fatal error: 'gnu/stubs-32.h' file not found

32-bit libc dev missing. On Ubuntu 20, for example, do:

sudo apt install libc6-dev-i386