- 1
Publish FreeSpec and extensions to Opam
#6 opened by lthms - 0
Support Coq 8.13
#56 opened by lthms - 0
Use extensible array in plugins/exec/
#52 opened by lthms - 3
Should we use ExtLib in place of coq-prelude
#39 opened by lthms - 2
Do we treat Coq int correctly?
#49 opened by lthms - 1
- 1
- 0
Investigate support for primitive types of Coq
#10 opened by lthms - 0
- 0
Contributing and coding styles guidelines
#20 opened by lthms - 0
Documentation overhaul
#27 opened by lthms - 0
- 1
Should we change the name of the Program monad?
#21 opened by lthms - 0
Investigate the use of SProp
#30 opened by lthms - 1
Should we restrict the domain of [abstract_step] to valid effects and results?
#32 opened by vtourneur - 1
Submit a PR to yallop/effects-bibliography
#5 opened by lthms - 1
- 0
- 1
Investigate the use of newly introduced Coq pragma
#14 opened by lthms - 0
List contributors into a single file?
#12 opened by lthms - 3
A useless test?
#3 opened by yurug - 3
Remove the Bind constructor of Program
#1 opened by lthms