
An implementation of reusable medical React components using CSSinJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An implementation of medical javascript UI components based on FHIR like typescript data structures in React using CSSinJS (with emotion).


ltht-react is a monorepo that uses lerna to manage build, deployment, versioning etc.

Components are built using atomic design principles. Each set of components is published as its own npm package (e.g. @ltht-react/diagnosis-summary and @ltht-react/questionnaire). They are also all pooled together into a root package @ltht-react/root.

Related components are have their own sub directory e.g. Clinical related components in components\clinical. General use components are in components\styled.

packages contains non-jsx based exports and the storybook package which is used for showing examples.


npm install ltht-react --save
import FlagSummary from '@ltht-react/flag-summary'
import { Flag } from '@ltht-react/types'
const MyComponent = ({ title: string, flags: Flag[] }) => {
  const handleClick = (flag: Flag) => {
      console.log("Selected flag ", flag)
  return (
        <FlagSummary title="Alerts" flags={flags} handleClick={handleClick} />

See the Storybook for examples of all available components.


Getting started

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/ltht-epr/ltht-react
  2. Install dependencies yarn install
  3. Build all component libraries yarn build or yarn build:slow
  4. View existing components using yarn start

Note: If you are working on a component that makes use of other packaged in the library (.e.g importing from ltht-react/types), you will need to run a build task each time you modify that library in order for your changes to appear in other packages such as storybook.

You can do this by navigating to the appropriate project and running yarn build --watch to continuously compile new changes.


When adding to this library, please ensure that it;

  • is appropriately categorised by atomic principles,
  • has sufficient unit tests,
  • includes an example in the storybook,
  • includes relevant fixtures to show expected data formats

Note: You will not be able to push if your branch returns any unit test or linting errors

Running unit tests

This project uses jest and @testing-library/react.

  • Run all tests yarn test
  • Continuously run tests for changed files yarn test --watch

Releasing a new version to npm

Your code must be reviewed and merged into main. A short while after this, an automated task will update versions wherever necessary and commit directly to main. This will appear as a commit by ltht-epr called "Publish".

  1. Switch to main and git pull
  2. Ensure versions have updated, if not wait for ltht-epr to update main
  3. Wipe your local build with yarn clean
  4. Install dependencies yarn install
  5. Build with yarn build or yarn build:slow
  6. Authenticate with npm login, if you haven't already.
  7. Publish to npm with yarn run deploy:npm.

GraphQL type generation

GraphQL types can be updated by running yarn run type:gen. This assumes that you have the appropriate GraphQL endpoint up and running. Running ehr-client in mock mode is sufficient for this purpose.