MetaTroll: Few-shot Detection of State-Sponsored Trolls with Transformer Adapters


The troll data are download through Twitter (

Running Environment

This repo is built upon a local copy of transformers==3.0.0. This repo has been tested on torch==1.4.0 with python 3.7 and CUDA 10.1.

To start, create a new environment and install:

conda create -n metaTroll python=3.7
conda activate metaTroll
cd metaTroll
pip install -e .


Induct modified based on (
HATT source code from authors (
DS source code from authors (

Further Pre-train & Evaluation

To further pre-train base BERT/XLM-R models:

Clone the transformer to local directory

git clone

For further pre-training the language models:

python transformers/examples/language-modeling/ ,
        --model_type=bert ,


This is the source code for [MetaTroll: Few-shot Detection of State-Sponsored Trolls with Transformer Adapters]

If you find this code useful, please let us know and cite our paper.
If you have any question, please contact Lin at: s3795533 at student dot rmit dot edu dot au.