Welcome to the Garage. This is the demo project for the SXSW 2017 workshop: What JavaScript Everywhere Really Looks Like. This is world's most uselessly complex garage door opener. It includes hardware controllers, backend web services, and iOS, Android, desktop, and web clients for controlling a garage door, all written completely in JavaScript.
See a video of the garage in action.
During the workshop, we'll be guiding you through this system, as well as offering the opportunity to complete some exercises related to the system.
This repository includes all aspects of the Garage system.
NOTE: The API must be running to use any of the control clients.
- Node (v7 or newer)
- Redis (Windows users may try to use the Windows port.)
- Yarn
(If you don't have Node, Redis, or Yarn, and can't successfully download them, we have some binaries and installers available on USB drives.)
Install Node and Redis. After Node is installed, install Yarn by running npm install -g yarn
or by choosing any of the other recommended Yarn installation methods.
If you run into issues using Yarn, double check that your PATH is correctly configured for Yarn.
Our final exercise uses React Native, which has some additional dependencies on iOS and Android. Run through the React Native getting started guide to ensure you have everything setup for these environments.
Our three exercises can be found in the /exercises
directory in this repository. The exercises are ordered by level of difficulty/prerequisite knowledge (i.e. If you are a beginner to JavaScript, you will feel most comfortable with Exercise 1).
yarn install
yarn start
This single command will start a Redis server, the Node API server, and the Node worker.
In addition to the exercises folder, we've included an completed folder with completed versions of every exercise.
cd completed/1-investigation
# Fetch dependencies
yarn install
yarn start:web
# or
yarn start desktop
cd completed/2-changing
# Fetch dependencies
yarn install
yarn start:web
# or
yarn start desktop
Exercise three uses React Native, which has some additional dependencies on iOS and Android. Run through the React Native getting started guide to ensure you have everything setup for these environments:
cd completed/3-creation
# Fetch dependencies
yarn install
yarn start:ios
# or
yarn start:android
# or
yarn start:web
During the workshop, we'll be around to help answer any question you have or help trouble shoot any error you encounter. Just ask!