
Homework assignment on breadth-first and depth-first search graph algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

Graph Homework README

Go in order

I recommend that you implement the functions in the same order that they appear in the points.json file. This is the same order reported by python grade.py graph_test.


This is the pseudocode to get you going. You'll need to augment it (e.g. by setting ancestors, incrementing the clock, classifying edges, and so on).

  clear graph
  mark start gray
  Q = empty queue
  add start to Q
  while Q has stuff in it:
    v = popped element from Q
    mark v black
    visit v
    for each unmarked neighbor w
        mark w gray
        add w to Q
# clear graph before initial call
  mark node gray
  visit node
  E = edges related to node
  for all edges e in E:
    a = end of e that isn't node
    if a is white:
  mark node black

Two versions of bfs

There are two signatures for bfs. I recommend that you implement the two-arg version fully, and then have the one-arg version simply call the two-arg version with a target that doesn't exist in the graph.

Remember: laziness is one of the three virtues of a great programmer.

Use a queue, maybe

The header file includes vectors to store nodes and edges during a search. You can use these if you like, or ignore them and use something else instead.

In my implementation I did an interative BFS using a queue (so, #include <queue> atop implementation file), and a recursive DFS using the getAdjacentEdges set.

The auto keyword

The auto keyword can make life easier when iterating through a collection. It leverages the compiler to 'figure out' what type would be assigned for you (this only works for assignment, you cannot use auto for example in function parameters). Also note that it is NOT like Python's dynamic types, the type must still be known at compile time.

You can use auto to cleanly iterate over C++ collections:

for (auto n : nodes) {
  // N right here will be a single node, one at a time.

A more correct way to handle iteration (which forces const and that the value is iterated by reference resulting in zero-copy):

for (const auto& n : nodes) {
  // N right here will be a single node, one at a time.

Use make_dot

Check out the tick and make_dot functions that is provided for you in the implementation file. If you call tick after each interesting event (start, end, and every time you increment the clock) you can use this to watch the progress of your dfs or bfs.

Make helper functions

You'll likely want to create and use helper functions. The details are up to you. For example, I made a otherEnd function that returned the start/end of an edge that wasn't the node I'm looking at currently.

Helpers aren't strictly necessary but they will make your life easier and reduce the volume of code where bugs can lurk.