
ToxicSEO is a web portal to manage you Backlinks and help you to disavow them

Primary LanguagePHP


ToxicSEO allows you to import the backlinks from Google Webmaster tools to analyze them and disavow them if necessary. Its an OpenSource alternative to commercial SEO solution to analyze your Backllinks and manage them.


Clone the ToxiSEO project on your PHP Webserver.

$ git clone https://github.com/ltoinel/ToxicSEO.git

Install the third party librairies.

$ composer install

Copy the default config file.

$ cp conf/config.php.default conf/config.php

Edit the config file with the correct parameters.

$ nano conf/config.php

Set the permissions on the cache and upload directory to you webserver.

$ chown www-data upload/ cache/

Create the MySQL / MariaDB ToxicSeo database and init the database

$ echo "create database 'toxicseo'" | mysql -u username -p
$ mysql -u username -p toxicseo < db/toxicseo.sql

Initialize your database by uploading a CSV file with your backlinks from Google Webmaster tools.