
🤖📲 AArch64 aka ARM64 compiled builds of idena-go client. In lay terms, Idena node client that you can run on your Android device.

idena-go-arm64 (v1.1.1)

🤖📲 AArch64 aka ARM64 compiled build of idena-go client.

Put simply, the binary that you would need to run IDENA node on your Android phone.

🏗️ User guide

You must have an ARM64 virtual machine (e.g. QEMU) or real device (e.g. Android device)

🇬🇧 https://medium.com/@idna.project/b9229c010440
🇷🇺 https://teletype.in/@idenanetwork/idena-armer

👨‍💻 In case if you want to compile an ARM64 idena-go build by yourself

  1. Download and install latest Ubuntu 18.x LTS release version for ARM64
    E.g. https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04.6-server-arm64.iso

  2. Installing required packages

apt install gcc wget git -y
  1. Download and install Golang v1.17.13

wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.17.13.linux-arm64.tar.gz
tar -xvf go1.17.13.linux-arm64.tar.gz
mv go /usr/local
  1. Adding GO required environment variables

cd ~/
tee -a .profile <<'EOF'
#GO required environment variables
source ~/.profile

  1. Clone latest idena-go repository

wget https://github.com/idena-network/idena-go/archive/refs/tags/v1.1.1.tar.gz
tar -xzf v1.1.1.tar.gz
cd idena-go-v1.1.1
  1. Compile arm64 idena-go binary

go build -ldflags "-X main.version=1.1.1"
  1. You can find the compiled ARM64 binary file in the same folder with the name idena-go

🙏 Special Thanks

to Rioda for his rasberry-pi script