
IDENA bootstrap. IDENA blockchain snapshot (updated daily) for fast synchronization of the Idena network node (idena-go).


Frequency Daily Last Commit IDENA Blockchain Repository Size

The snapshot will help you to sync your Idena Node in a matter of minutes.

IDENA Blockchain Fast Synchronization

☕ Buy me a coffee

Whether you use this project, have learned something from it, or just like it, please consider supporting it by buying me a coffee, so I can dedicate more time on open-source projects like this :)

  • 💳 Address for donations: 0xf041640788910fc89a211cd5bcbf518f4f14d831

  • 🔗 URL to autosend (100 iDNA) via Idena web-client or Idena client app: dna://send/v1?address=0xf041640788910fc89a211cd5bcbf518f4f14d831&amount=100&comment=Buy%20Me%20A%20Coffee&callback_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fltraveler%2Fidenachain.db

⚓ Default path to idenachain.db

Depends on your OS the path to 'idenachain.db' directory would be different. This table helps you to choose the correct path based on your operational system.

  • Linux/macOS/Windows
    • The default path value to idenachain.db varies across OSes:
      OS Path Example
      Linux / Ubuntu ~/idena-go/datadir/ /home/Olga/idena-go/datadir
      macOS cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Idena/node/datadir cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Idena/node/datadir
      Windows %AppData%\Idena\node\datadir C:\Users\Olga\AppData\Roaming\Idena\node\datadir

🐧 💡 How to make fast sync in Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. sudo service idena_username stop — stop current idena-go instance;
  2. cd ~/idena-go/datadir/ — switch your current directory to datadir;
  3. rm -rf idenachain.db — remove current idenachain.db folder;
  4. git clone -b main --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/ltraveler/idenachain.db.git — clone the snapshot of idenachain.db folder (official git package must be installed sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git-all);
  5. rm -rf ./idenachain.db/.git — remove unnecessary .git folder;
  6. sudo service idena_username stop — start current idena-go instance.

⏰ Updated once a day

🪟 💡 Idena fast synchronization in Windows (Power Shell)

  1. Get-Process -Name 'Idena','Idena-go' | Stop-Process -Force — stop idena-go network node and idena desktop client;
  2. cd $env:APPDATA\Idena\node\datadir — switch your current directory to datadir;
  3. Remove-Item -Recurse -Force idenachain.db — remove current idenachain.db folder;
  4. git clone -b main --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/ltraveler/idenachain.db.git — clone the snapshot of idenachain.db folder (official git windows client is available here https://git-scm.com/download/win);
  5. Remove-Item -Recurse -Force ./idenachain.db/.git — remove unnecessary .git folder;
  6. Start idena desktop client and idena-go network node.

⏰ Updated once a day

🍏 💡 How to use idena blockchain snapshot in macOS

  1. killall -m idena — stop idena-go network node and idena desktop client;
  2. cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Idena/node/datadir — switch your current directory to datadir;
  3. rm -rf idenachain.db — remove current idenachain.db folder;
  4. git clone -b main --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/ltraveler/idenachain.db.git — clone the snapshot of idenachain.db folder (official git MacOS client is available here https://git-scm.com/download/mac);
  5. rm -rf ./idenachain.db/.git — remove unnecessary .git folder;
  6. Start idena desktop client and idena-go network node.

⏰ Updated once a day

ℹ️ Other information

  • If you are looking for a stable shared node service, please contact me on Telegram @ltrvlr

💬 Contact information

  • 📧 Email ltraveler@protonmail.com
  • 🗨️ Telegram @ltrvlr