
An Ansible Role to install Github Action Runner as self-hosted runner

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role GitHub Action Runner (self-hosted)

Ansible Role to install and configure a self-hosted GitHub Actions Runner on a machine. Use this role to install, configure and even uninstall GitHub Action self-hosted runner aka build runners.

Have a look at the official GitHub Action self-hosted Runner documentation to figure out how things work.

GitHub Action Build Status

Molecule Test

Role Variables

Please have a look at the comments and variables in the default files on how to configure this role.

Use the runner_action to determine what which action to perform. You can either set it to install (install Github Runner on machine but do not configure), configure (configure Guthub Runner) and remove to delete configured Github Runner. Any combination like install,configure is possible.

Have a look at all the variables at defaults/main.yml

Example Playbook

You may use the example playbook to test the waters:


To install a GitHub Runner, set the variables in playbook.yml to suit your GubHub Configuration.

You can find the runner_config_token value in your Github Organisation or Github Repository, depending on which level you want to register the Runner. Go to Settings | Actions and click on Add Runner to get the runner_config_token value.

Once configured, run

ansible-playbook  --connection=local --inventory, playbook.yml

If you want to remove a runner and its workspace again, set the runner_config_token variable to the removal token provided by Github and run with the runner_action set to "uninstall" (either as command line parameter or in your Ansible Playbook).

ansible-playbook  --connection=local --extra-vars="runner_action=remove" --inventory, playbook.yml



Author Information

Martin Albiez @ LTS Beratung GmbH