
Suggest brands and/or report bugs here.

This is the place to suggest color additions or updates, report bugs, or pitch ideas for BrandColors. Create an issue and we'll talk.

If you'd rather contact me privately or you have no idea how GitHub issues work, you can email me: galen@galengidman.com

How to find colors

A good place to look for brand's colors is in their logos. Sometimes you'll get lucky and stumble across a handy brand or identity guidelines document that lists them all along with their HEX value, but usually your best bet is just pull the colors right out of the logos.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • The higher resolution the logo the better. They're usually less distorted which can sometimes affect color.
  • You can often find high resolution logos on company's Press or About pages. Poke around a bit, they're usually there.
  • Try to pick the color out of a flat section of the logo — gradients are bad.
  • Sometimes color picker apps are slightly incorrect. Instead, open the image in a photo editor like Photoshop and use that color picker.
  • If multiple colors are there, include them all in your issue.
  • When you submit your issue, let me know where you got the color and how. If, for example, you're a designer at XYZ Corp and know your company's exact brand color, telling me that will save me a lot of time since I won't have to double-check things.

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