% This is the code for the paper % Title: "Sobolev transport: a scalable metric for probability measures with graph metrics" % Authors: Tam Le, Truyen Nguyen, Dinh Phung, Viet Anh Nguyen % Published at AISTATS 2022 % ***** Data: e.g., 'twitter.mat' for the TWITTER dataset % Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhoor4jnvfd0xlk/twitter.mat?dl=0 % ***** Third-party toolbox % + figtreeKCenterClustering: for the farthest point clustering (used for quantization supports into M clusters) % + mexEMD: for optimal transport distance computation. % ***** There are two main steps: (1) build random graph; (2) compute distances % *** Step (1) *** -- For building random graph (G_Log / G_Sqrt) from support data points % + clusteringDataset_buildRandomGraph_Log: build random connected graph G_Log (M % nodes, and M log(M) edges) % + clusteringDataset_buildRandomGraph_Sqrt: build random connected graph % G_Sqrt (M nodes, and M^(3/2) edges) % *** Step (2) *** -- Compute distance matrices for Sobolev transport, optimal transport and % tree-Wasserstein % + compute_SobolevTransport: compute the distance matrix for Sobolev % transport % + compute_OT_GroundGraphMetric: compute the distance matrix for optimal % transport with ground graph metric % + compute_TW: compute the distance matrix for tree-Wasserstein with % random tree metric extracted from the graph structure. % *** -- Note: % The code uses Graph and Network Algorithms toolbox from MATLAB. (e.g., Dijkstra % algorithm for shortest path from a source point to a destination set of % points.)
Code for "Sobolev Transport: A Scalable Metric for Probability Measures with Graph Metrics", published at AISTATS 2022 (Authors: Tam Le, Truyen Nguyen, Dinh Phung, Viet Anh Nguyen)