
Collection of files for configuration and installation of my development machines

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a collection of files for configuration and installation of my development machines. This is a great way how to manage the settings of your applications, install new machine easily or share the way you work with others. See more on the links under Thanks.

What is inside

Scripts for installing

  • applications
    • via apt-get
    • node packages
    • brew packages
  • directory structure
  • gnome settings
  • symbolic links

Configuration files

  • antidote (plugins for zsh)
  • git (aliases, config)
  • kitty (terminal with enough tmux like features)
  • neovim (editor)
  • ranger (directories browser)
  • rg (searching program)
  • zsh (just a better program launcher :)
No longer used //why
  • ag (searching program) // I use ripgrep, it is the fastest
  • antibody (plugins for zsh) // Superceeded by antidote
  • dunst (notifications in i3) // only for i3
  • i3 (window manager) // Gnome on PopOS has good workspace and window layout support and looks good out of the box
  • kdiff3 (diff program) // Vscode has that, vim has that
  • rofi (program launcher) // Gnome is enough, maybe Ulauncher is a better fit for Gnome
  • tmux (terminal on the next level) // Terminals can do a lot of what tmux can
  • urxvt (capable terminal) // Hyper terminal is fast enough now and multiplatform
  • hyperterminal (nice terminal) // Nice but slow
  • vim (the most ergonomic editor) // I use neovim
  • vim simulations (ideavim, vrapper) // I use neovim for all work
  • vscode (editor) // customizable but not enough, fast but not enough, integrated but not enough
  • windows (operating system) // Linux became good for everything work oriented tasks

Usefull scripts

  • for connections
  • for environment and hardware setup
  • shortcuts for applications


  • aliases and functions (for command line)
  • color schemes
  • some stuff for Windows

How to install

I do not recommend to install it this way. Just browse the repo for inspiration, rather then installing it completely. This is only for me to remember.


  • Fresh installation PopOS LTS
  • home dir cd ~

Run install script (prepares environment, installs requirements and runs the main install task)

git clone https://github.com/lttr/dotfiles

Other things to consider after/during installation

Before install

After install

  • install 1Password
  • install Rambox
  • install Darktable (Pop Shop)
  • install Obsidian
  • log into Dropbox, select folders to sync
  • set DuckDuckGo as the default search engine, load its configuration via bookmarklet (in password manager)
  • copy /etc/fstab from backup, careful with changing current filesystem root partion
  • sign into Firefox/Chrome to sync browser settings
  • consider disabling slow systemd services
    • e.g. sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service
  • update ssh keys (e.g. generate new key for Github, etc.) (https://lukastrumm.com/notes/ssh-keys/, https://github.com/settings/keys)
    • log into gh cli (gh auth login)
    • log into glab cli (glab auth login)
    • clone active code repositories
  • list of startup applications (located at ~/.config/autostart/*.desktop)
  • bookmarks in Gnome Files (located at ~/.config/gtk-3/bookmarks and ~/.config/gtk-3/servers)
  • change hostname (hostnamectl set-hostname pop-os-lt-foobar)


  • upgrade system (sudo apt update, sudo apt full-upgrade)

No longer used configurations

  • sync Dropbox before installation
    • Dropbox needs running daemon (dropbox status, dropbox start -i, dropbox autostart y)
  • change download folder in your browser (I like ~/down)
  • import backuped settings into some applications (e.g. doublecommander)
  • enable automatic login in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf (in PopOS it can be configured in Settings -> Users)
  • check appearance settings in lxappearance utility
  • check backups are set up (I have all work in git or on external drives, that are backed up)
  • check if fonts are linked and installed

Installation into VirtualBox

  • add Shared folder in settings
  • install guest additions (add guest additions from VirtualBox and run VBoxLinuxAdditions.run as root)
  • add user to vboxsf group sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf lukas
