My learning progress

This is an attempt to document my learning more systematically. Git commit messages could be the way to document historical progress of anything, while Github issues cover things in two states very nicely: open issues and closed issues.

Interesting topics, courses, videos and books goes to open issues.

Closing an issue means I've completed the book or course. I could eventually delete an issue if I found it is a very bad resource.

Commits are the actual progress. Git log in this repo will give me an instant overview of my recent learning progress.


Create a learning topic

cd ~/code/learning-progress
gh issue create -t "Topic" -b "url or other content"

Add note about progress

cd ~/code/learning-progress
git commit --allow-empty -m "Start course #1"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Finish course, close #1"
# with alias
ce "Finish course, close #1"