

Primary LanguageVue

Timesheet aggregator

A prototype application build with Nuxt framework.

Proof of concept for a well engineered application build with modern tooling (2023)

By well engineered I mean:

  1. do something useful and be able to do it even after several years of development
  2. conforms to a set of rules that are automatically checked (formatting, linting, ...)
  3. is build on top of solid foundations
  4. is devided into vertical modules (by feature)
  5. can be deployed in minutes
  6. does not suck in browser (is fast to load, fast to navigate, works on an old mobile device, supports light and dark OS preferences, is at least somewhat accessible)

By modern tooling I mean (in 2023):

  • nuxt 3
  • nuxt 3 layers, modules
  • pinia, vue-use
  • css, post-css, open-props
  • pnpm, turborepo
  • prettier, eslint, stylelint, husky, lint-staged
  • histoire

What the app does

Functional requirements

  • I can see how many work hours is the baseline in a given month and how many have I worked (logged)
  • The baseline is configurable (e. g. 8 vs 6 working hours per day)
  • I can drop a json file with logged time into it and it will display a table with logged hours

Non functional requirement

  • lighthouse?

Nuxt 3 Minimal Starter

Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.


Make sure to install the dependencies:

# yarn
yarn install

# npm
npm install

# pnpm
pnpm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

npm run dev


Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview

Check out the deployment documentation for more information.