
like busybox, just for docker.

Primary LanguageGo


dockerbox is a single executable that runs docker containers based on local and remote run configurations.


go get github.com/beenverifiedinc/dockerbox

Add dockerbox to your path

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dockerbox/bin/

Add a registry.yaml file to $HOME/.dockerbox/registry.yaml

- name: local
  path: $HOME/.dockerbox/local.yaml
  type: file
- name: example
  path: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BeenVerifiedInc/dockerbox/master/example/example.yaml
  type: url

add a local config to $HOME/.dockerbox/local.yaml

    name: kubectl
    image: beenverifiedinc/kubectl
    image_tag: 1.7.11
    entrypoint: kubectl
    - KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config
    - $HOME/.kube:/root/.kube
    - $PWD:/app
    work_dir: /app

To update your applet cache ($HOME/.dockerbox/.cache.yaml) from all the repos in the registry run dockerbox update.

To see the list of available applets run dockerbox list

And to install an applet run dockerbox install -i <applet name> or dockerbox install -a to install all available applets. dockerbox installs applets by creating a symlink from $HOME/.dockerbox/<applet name> to the dockerbox binary $GOPATH/bin/dockerbox.

Full applet spec:

  • name string
  • work_dir string
  • entrypoint string
  • restart string
  • network string
  • rm bool (defaults true)
  • tty bool (defaults true)
  • interactive bool (defaults true)
  • privileged bool
  • detach bool
  • kill bool (kills running container with the same name before running)
  • environment list
  • volumes list
  • ports list
  • env_file list
  • dependencies list (list of applets to run first)
  • links list
  • image string
  • image_tag string
  • command list


  dockerbox [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  install     install docker applet
  list        list all available applets in the repo
  uninstall   uninstall docker applet
  update      update the repo from the registry configs