
Use the CSS float property to create a column layout with four cards inside.

summary time deliverables
Use the CSS Flexbox properties to create a column layout with four cards inside.
1 hour
1 HTML file, 1 CSS file, images

Columns of cards


  • Fork this repository.
  • Write the HTML & CSS needed to create the four column layout.
  • Text can be found inside the content.txt file.
  • Run it through Markbot and make sure it passes all the checks.


  • Typefaces: Open Sans (regular, italic, bold)
  • Text sizes: 2rem, 1rem, .875rem
  • Line height: 1.5
  • Colours: #f2f2f2, #333, #e2e2e2, #ccc, #aaa, #999
  • Paddings: 1.5rem, .75rem
  • Margins: 0, 0 auto 1.5rem, 0 0 1.5rem
  • Image width: 100px

The button is .btn & .btn-small from our buttons exercise.


Visually match the images in the “screenshots” folder and create the interaction shown in the linked video.

Hand in

Drop this folder into your Markbot application. Make sure to fix all the errors. And submit for grades using Markbot.