Had a WSL2 environment, messed that up. So now I have a containerized CTF environment.
Run with:
docker-compose run --rm ctf
As I need to sometimes use Windows-only tools, some files are mounted from host volumes to the container:
- CTF files placed in
can be found under~/ctf/
- Wordlists are mounted from
Might be kind of strange, but it works for me.
Default shell is zsh
running the Pure theme. Also includes:
- neovim + vim-plug
- htop - Interactive process viewer
- hexyl - Simple hex viewer
- angr (on PyPy)
- Runs inside a virutal environment activated with
workon angr
- Runs inside a virutal environment activated with
I also use stego-toolkit, a far more comprehensive Docker image for forensics and StegSolve. These are just a subset of tools that I use the most:
- exiftool
- binwalk
- pngcheck
- steghide
- volatility
- john (Just the package, not bleeding-jumbo yet)
- pkcrack
- gdb plugins
- pwntools
- Also has tmux to leverage the windows splitting functionality from attaching gdb to a process
- one_gadget
- seccomp-tools