
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stage-Wise CMORL

This is an official GitHub Repository for paper "Stage-Wise Reward Shaping for Acrobatic Robots: A Constrained Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Approach".



    └── algos/
    │     └── common/
    │     └── comoppo/
    │     └── student/
    └── assets/
    │     └── go1/
    │     └── h1/
    └── tasks/
    └── utils/
    └── main_student.py
    └── main_teacher.py
  • algos/: contains the implementation of the proposed algorithm
  • assets/: contains the assets of the robots
  • tasks/: contains the implementation of the tasks
  • utils/: contains the utility functions


  • GO1 Robot (Quadruped from Unitree)
    • Back-Flip
    • Side-Flip
    • Side-Roll
    • Two-Hand Walk
  • H1 Robot (Humanoid from Unitree)
    • Back-Flip
    • Two-Hand Walk

Training and Evaluation

It is required to train a teacher poicy first, and then train a student policy using the teacher policy.

Teacher Learning

  • training: python main_teacher.py --task_cfg_path tasks/{task_name}.yaml --algo_cfg_path algos/comoppo/{task_name}.yaml --wandb --seed 1
  • test: python main_teacher.py --task_cfg_path tasks/{task_name}.yaml --algo_cfg_path algos/comoppo/{task_name}.yaml --test --render --seed 1 --model_num {saved_model_num}

Student Learning

  • training: python main_student.py --task_cfg_path tasks/{task_name}.yaml --algo_cfg_path algos/student/{task_name}.yaml --wandb --seed 1
  • test: python main_student.py --task_cfg_path tasks/{task_name}.yaml --algo_cfg_path algos/student/{task_name}.yaml --test --render --seed 1 --model_num {saved_model_num}