A .docx file writer with Rust/WebAssembly.
docx-rs = "0.2.0"
yarn add docx-wasm
use docx_rs::*;
pub fn hello() -> Result<(), DocxError> {
let path = std::path::Path::new("./hello.docx");
let file = std::fs::File::create(&path).unwrap();
import { saveAs } from "file-saver";
// // Note that a dynamic `import` statement here is required due to webpack/webpack#6615,
import("docx-wasm").then(w => {
const { buffer } = new w.Docx()
new w.Paragraph().addRun(new w.Run().addText("Hello world!!"))
saveAs(new Blob([buffer]), "hello.docx");
const w = require("docx-wasm");
const { writeFileSync } = require("fs");
const { buffer } = new w.Docx()
.addParagraph(new w.Paragraph().addRun(new w.Run().addText("Hello world!!")))
writeFileSync("hello.docx", buffer);
- Paragraph
- Alignment
- Indent
- Numbering
- Run
- Bold
- Size
- Font
- Color
- Highlight
- Underline
- vanish
- Italic
- Break
- Header
- Footer
- Comment
- Image
- Style
- Table
- HIstory
- Table of contents
- Section
- wasm-pack 0.9.1+