A full-screen power menu for Linux with a blur effect, made with Rofi.
- C4FE1
- coolslutguy420
- costaste
- DanJsefPrague, Czech republic
- davidelias@Bounceapp
- DeaDSouL
- devenapurosCDMX, México
- gbionde@e-gestora
- herjazz
- Heus-SuehBrasil
- i-am-arunkumarkaraikal, puducherry, india
- ibnishak
- IdleAdventurer
- j4ger
- jckxhrrrSingapore
- kavi742
- nonetrix
- orlando26Luxoft
- pog102
- proboticks
- RahulPranami
- RealStr1ke127.0.0.1
- ReyVegaTecnológico de Monterrey
- shaun-mathew#ReadyToWork
- ShentxtArgentina
- SherLock707Goa, India
- shyraffySpain
- silvolde428
- smurphosUK
- SophedUnited Kingdom
- svrvtMoscow, Russia
- SwaggyPinguinBerlin
- VVhitehead
- WeH1DZavidovici, Bosnia and Heregovina
- wigustThe land of lisp
- yousseffjelmorocco