
Size Optimizer Linker for iOS apps

Primary LanguageSwift


Size Optimizer Linker for iOS apps

Based on Uber article: https://eng.uber.com/how-uber-deals-with-large-ios-app-size/

Medium article explaning it: https://engineering.rappi.com/ios-app-size-reduction-with-machine-outlining-5ef2c6b53237

How to use it:

Open the runme.sh that it’s in the Example directory with a text editor. Replace the section "Configure this". This is an example of the setup to optimize the Example project.


There is an optional section where you can configure the following options: TARGETS_WHITE_LIST: this allows you to exclude some Targets to be linked. This is useful when you use CocoaPods and want to exclude the target Pods-<YourTargetName> JSON_SYMBOLS: this allows you to replace symbols. It’s useful when you have duplicated symbols and Xcode shows them as a warning. There’s a json example here https://github.com/lu15gv/sol/blob/main/Example/symbols_example.json

Now, you just need to open a terminal window and run sh <path to sol project>/Example/runme.sh

This will archive the project and then optimize it. You can find the archive by open Xcode > Window > Organizer > Archives. If you inspect the archive in finder (Show package contents), you can find the optimized version in Products/Applications.

Note: this was a POC that went well. For now it doesn't have tests and it's not very scalable. I hope to have a better version of this with tests and be more flexible soon.