
FetchIt is used to manage the life cycle and configuration of Podman containers

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


The purpose of FetchIt is to allow for GitOps management of podman managed containers.

This project is currently under development. For a more detailed explanation of the project visit the docs page. https://fetchit.readthedocs.io/


FetchIt requires the podman socket to be running on the host. The socket can be enabled for a specific user or for root.

To enable the socket for $USER:

systemctl --user enable podman.socket --now

To enable the socket for root:

systemctl enable podman.socket --now

Verify running containers before deploying fetchit.

podman ps


FetchIt launch options

FetchIt and can be started manually or launched via systemd.

Define the parameters in your $HOME/.fetchit/config.yaml to relate to your git repository. This example can be found in ./examples/readme-config.yaml

- url: http://github.com/containers/fetchit
  branch: main
  - name: ft-ex
    targetPath: examples/fileTransfer
    destinationDirectory: /tmp
    schedule: "*/1 * * * *" 
  - name: raw-ex
    targetPath: examples/raw
    schedule: "*/1 * * * *"

Launch using systemd

Two systemd files are provided to allow for FetchIt to run as a user or as root. The files are differentiated by .root and .user.

Ensure that there is a config at $HOME/.fetchit/config.yaml before attempting to start the service.

For root

cp systemd/fetchit.root /etc/systemd/system/fetchit.service
systemctl enable fetchit --now
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp systemd/fetchit.user ~/.config/systemd/user/
systemctl --user enable fetchit --now

Manually launch the fetchit container using a podman volume

podman run -d --rm --name fetchit \
    -v fetchit-volume:/opt \
    -v $HOME/.fetchit:/opt/mount \
    -v /run/user/$(id -u)/podman//podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock \
    --security-opt label=disable \


  • If a podman volume is not the preferred storage solution a directory can be used as well. An example would be -v ~/fetchit-volume:/opt instead of -v fetchit-volume:/opt.
  • For filetransfer, the destination directory must exist on the host.

The container will be started and will run in the background. To view the logs:

podman logs -f fetchit

git clone http://github.com/containers/fetchit main --recursive
Creating podman container from ./fetchit/examples/raw/example.json
Trying to pull docker.io/mmumshad/simple-webapp-color:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:b023afffd10b07f646968c0f1405ac7b611feca6da6fbc2bb8c55f2492bdde07
Copying blob sha256:d4eee24d4dacb41c21411e0477a741655303cdc48b18a948632c31f0f3a70bb8
Copying blob sha256:1607093a898cc241de8712e4361dcd907898fff35b945adca42db3963f3827b3
Copying blob sha256:b59856e9f0abefedc34fcefc3f57c4955cc384785663745532ddc31a89641c83
Copying blob sha256:55cbf04beb7001d222c71bfdeae780bda19d5cb37b8dbd65ff0d3e6a0b9b74e6
Copying blob sha256:13e2e806d7c88f357958d798c097b4fc0cd6e3aea888ad7e584fba5a0e7d3ec9
Copying blob sha256:e90bc178f0458c231d8e355756f9f0f51e22a4e6c5ff8c9c6cb8e48d2c158000
Copying blob sha256:bd415728f75acd3ee7699f4bb31dfa8c39a935d5a6acea4b580568cd730100a9
Copying blob sha256:06d08c7638af6fc0c05f9c7e5ec43ae7b24ca72bbfaba4d065578358ed38ab15
Copying blob sha256:98b4690dc1c724ec64b18475f1be8d37e10c058788da16aa2e4ca7260c1aac68
Copying blob sha256:3a4e7915e2111a1546b662863d4192f98283e53a66ac34296d90823563d12040
Copying blob sha256:b2567acc3f180ce1113a668c5950e8123b493c5b85e8e51651310ee21799c67d
Copying blob sha256:9a8ea045c9261c180a34df19cfc9bb3c3f28f29b279bf964ee801536e8244f2f
Copying config sha256:96bb69733441c4a81ec77348208198aba7a5a78f4dc22429e7a56b25f63d2b73
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
A container named colors already exists. Removing the container before redeploy.
Container created.
time="2022-02-15T18:04:14Z" level=info msg="Going to start container \"53d86851aad9fc362cb61493c495ec262217c1759e061724dc1f974c35d93d5b\""
Container started....Requeuing

Verify the sample applications are running

podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                          COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                   NAMES
dcc546457aa2  quay.io/fetchit/fetchit:latest                 /usr/local/bin/ha...  3 minutes ago  Up 3 minutes ago                          fetchit
392a39209622  docker.io/mmumshad/simple-webapp-color:latest  python ./app.py       2 minutes ago  Up 2 minutes ago>8080/tcp  colors1
9e50cd3bdab5  docker.io/mmumshad/simple-webapp-color:latest  python ./app.py       2 minutes ago  Up 2 minutes ago>8080/tcp  colors2

Also, view applications at localhost:8080 and localhost:9080

Verify the file is placed on the host

watch ls -al /tmp/hello.txt

Clean up

podman stop colors1 colors2 fetchit && podman rm colors1 colors2 && podman volume rm fetchit-volume