This is a meteor project based on lu22do/accounts-boilerplate to collaboratively track workpackages. What we call workpackages at my company are small projects that are merged into the big code base of the product.

Main features:

  • A workpackage is created.
  • List of workpackages can be seen along with visualization.
  • Individual workpackage can be seen / edited.
  • Each workpackage has a bunch of attributes or list of things that can themselves be edited.
  • Status/progress can be done.
  • History of all changes (per wp).

Login is required to use the app. Only owner can delete/edit his own workpackage. Admin password can be set in the settings.json file.


  • Main
  • Topbar
  • Auth
    • Login
    • Register
  • Workpackages
    • Workpackage list
    • Create workpackage
    • Edit workpackage
    • View workpackage
    • Editable lists:
      • requirement list
      • contributor list
      • link list (eg wiki page)
      • task list
      • output documents list
  • Users
    • User list

This project was created by the following packages:

  • from accounts-boilerplate:
    • accounts-base
    • accounts-password
    • iron:router (+ ejson)
    • twbs:bootstrap
  • aldeed:collection2 for schemas (relies on aldeed:simple-schema[])
  • momentjs:moment for display of date