Human Resources Microservices

HR Microservices is the ecosystem responsible to manager human resources

Table of contents


Architecture diagram

alt text

Build requirements

In order to build and run Gregorio application you need to have some installed:

  • Docker 1.x
  • JDK 11
  • Setup JAVA_HOME environment variables with path to JDK 11

Frameworks used

How to Build

To build this project, first time you try to build you need to run this:

make build

or if you prefer to use directly gradle you can use

mvn clean build

How to Run

This projects follow the code-style defined by the Google. Please check the documentation since the build cannot pass if the codebase does not follow this code-style.

How to Test

Unit tests

In order to run the unit test you just need to run

make test

or if you prefer to use directly gradle you can use

mvn test

How to Deploy

The deploy not implemented yet.


The monitoring not implemented yet.

Code style

Apply Google Java Style. Download the intellij-java-google-style.xml file from here