
CCP555 repo for labs and assignments

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An API that will handle the upload and management of files into a cloud storage.

The fragments-ui code can be found here

Getting started

To get the Node server running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • npm install to install all required dependencies
  • npm start to start the server locally with node
  • npm run dev to start the local server with nodemon
  • npm run debug to start the local server with nodemon and listening for a debugging client
  • npm run lint check for errors

Code Overview


  • compression -
  • cors - Middleware for enabling CORS
  • express - The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
  • helmet - helps you secure the app by setting various HTTP headers
  • pino - node.js logger
  • pino-http - HTTP logger
  • pino-pretty - logger formatter
  • stoppable - stop/close the server in the expected way