Bachelor of Computer Engineering | Software Developer
Universidade Federal do CearáSobral, CE
luanmooraes's Following
- 68vinicius@codigocerto
- akitaonrailsCodeminer 42
- ambientaliz
- brunocastrohsFederal University of Ceará
- CollabCodeTech
- cypherm0nkE Corp
- devfragaSujeito Programador
- FelipeFamaFortaleza-Ce
- felipefialho@juntossomosmais, @frontendbr
- Fernanda-KipperBrazil
- fischerJF
- gabsferreira@alura
- Geovanarsouza
- idelfridesBanco PAN
- IgorPierreIndoorChannel
- IsacAnd
- joaogomes212
- JoaoVitorAguiarÁgil Engenharia
- JonasFortes12Sobral - CE
- kenjimaeda54Inmetrics
- Krymancer@stefanini
- LuanGomes12Sobral
- lucasrmagalhaes@Fiergs
- luiztoolsLTOOLS LTDA
- marcio-loiola
- matheussooaresSobral - CE
- MichelliBritoDecoder
- MonicaHillmanMagaluPay, Alura and TripleTen
- robsonamendonca@lram
- rodrigobranasFlorianópolis, Brazil
- ryancamargoSP - Brazil
- sr-johnnySobral, CE
- stackblitzUnited States of America
- taniarasciaChicago
- thiagomarsItapipoca
- vapu-ufc