

  1. WikiTables dataset is from The json version is under './data' and named as "all.json". We also created the splitted version which used for 5-fold cross validation in our paper. For example, '1_train.jsonl' is the 1st fold for training.
  2. To run all the experiments, please download the weights of bert-large-cased model and fasttext embedding.

Running Examples

  1. without additional features. Only BERT is used. "" is an example to run it.
  2. jointly training BERT with additional features. "" is an example to run it.
  3. feature-based approach of BERT. "" is an example to run it. Since this method uses the fine-tuned BERT model, the corresponding method should be run by "" 1st. The script will read the saved BERT weights by "" from the output directory of corresponding fold.

There are a lot of options in the arguments. Among all of them, "--content" selects the item type which could be ROW/COL/CELL. " --selector" choses the selector strategy which could be MAX/SUM/AVG. In our experiments, we find out that the combination of ROW and MAX performs the best.