
Enshrouded Dedicated Server with autoupdate (supervisord)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


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Docker image for the game Enshrouded. The image is based on the steamcmd image and uses supervisor to handle startup, automatic updates and cleanup.

Environment Variables

Variable Required Default Contraints Description WIP
SERVER_NAME Enshrouded Server string The name of the server
SERVER_PASSWORD string The password for the server
SERVER_SLOT_COUNT 16 integer (1-16) Max allowed concurrent players
SERVER_PORT 15636 integer The game port for the server
SERVER_QUERYPORT 15637 integer The steam query port for the server
SERVER_IP string (ipv4) Server IP for internal network configuration
SERVER_SAVE_DIR ./savegame string Folder for savegames (relative and absolute paths are supported)
SERVER_LOG_DIR ./logs string Folder for logs (relative and absolute paths are supported)
PUID 4711 integer The UID to run server as (file permission)
PGID 4711 integer The GID to run server as (file permission)
UPDATE_CRON string (cron format) Update game server files cron (eg. */30 * * * * check for updates every 30 minutes)
UPDATE_CHECK_PLAYERS false boolean (true, false) Should the update check if someone is connected
BACKUP_CRON string (cron format) Backup game server files cron (eg. */15 * * * * backup saves every 15 minutes) - don't set cron under 10 minutes
BACKUP_DIR ./backup string Folder for backups (relative and absolute paths are supported)
BACKUP_MAX_COUNT 0 integer Number of backups to keep (0 means infinite)
GAME_BRANCH public string Steam branch (eg. testing) of the Enshrouded server
STEAMCMD_ARGS validate string Additional steamcmd args for the updater

All environment Variables prefixed with SERVER, are the available enshrouded_server.json options ( see Enshrouded Docs)

⚠️: Work in Progress

Additional Information

  • STEAM_API_KEY is only needed for the update cron, to check if the server is empty. You can get a key from Steam. If not supplied, the check will be skipped.


Variable Description WIP
BOOTSTRAP_HOOK Command to run after generel bootstrap ⚠️
UPDATE_POST_HOOK Command to run after update ⚠️

The scripts will wait for the hook to resolve/return before continuing.

⚠️: Work in Progress

Image Tags

Tag Virtualization Description
latest wine Latest image based on wine
stable-wine wine Same as latest image
<version>-wine wine Pinned image based on wine
stable-proton proton Latest image based on proton
<version>-proton proton Pinned image based on proton
dev wine Dev build based on wine
dev-proton proton Dev build based on proton

Ports (default)

Port Description
15636/udp Game port
15637/udp Steam query port


Volume Description
/opt/enshrouded Game files (steam download path)

Note: By default the volumes are created with the UID and GID 4711 (that user should not exist). To change this, set the environment variables PUID and PGID.

Recommended System Requirements

Official Docs



docker run -d --name enshrouded \
  --hostname enshrouded \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -p 15636-15637:15636-15637/udp \
  -v ./game:/opt/enshrouded \
  -e SERVER_NAME="Enshrouded Server" \
  -e SERVER_PASSWORD="secret" \
  -e UPDATE_CRON="*/30 * * * *" \
  -e PUID=4711 \
  -e PGID=4711 \

Docker Compose

version: "3"
    image: mornedhels/enshrouded-server:latest
    container_name: enshrouded
    hostname: enshrouded
    restart: unless-stopped
    stop_grace_period: 90s
      - "15636-15637:15636-15637/udp"
      - ./game:/opt/enshrouded
      - SERVER_NAME=Enshrouded Server
      - SERVER_PASSWORD=secret
      - UPDATE_CRON=*/30 * * * *
      - PUID=4711
      - PGID=4711

Note: The volumes are created next to the docker-compose.yml file. If you want to create the volumes, in the default location (eg. /var/lib/docker) you can use the following compose file:

version: "3"
    image: mornedhels/enshrouded-server:latest
    container_name: enshrouded
    hostname: enshrouded
    restart: unless-stopped
    stop_grace_period: 90s
      - "15636-15637:15636-15637/udp"
      - game:/opt/enshrouded
      - SERVER_NAME=Enshrouded Server
      - SERVER_PASSWORD=secret
      - UPDATE_CRON=*/30 * * * *
      - PUID=4711
      - PGID=4711



  • Force Update:
    docker compose exec enshrouded supervisorctl start enshrouded-force-update

Known Issues

  • The server doesn't start (not logging 'HostOnline' (up)!) or the update fails with following error:
    Error! App '2278520' state is 0x202 after update job.
    This means there is probably something wrong with your file permissions. Make sure the UID and GID are correct and the files are owned by the correct user.