
Phishing is an attemp to obtain sensitive information often for malicoius reasons by disguising as a trustworthy entity. Here I have used eBay as for the demonstration.
To read more go to

Getting Started

  • Download the project and unzip it.
  • Inside the project, you'll find a zipped folder named "Sign in or Register _ eBay_files", unzip it too.
  • All the resources (other than .php .html and dir.txt) should be in "Sign in or Register _ eBay_files" folder, NOT INSIDE SUBFOLDER IN "Sign in or Register _ eBay_files".
  • Now host those files locally in a web server like Apache.
  • After hosting files, go to the web browser and ask for index.php (It will load the Login page)
  • When you enter some test credentials and press "Sign In", it will redirect you to the original page and entered credentials should be saved in the "dir.txt"

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