

Run in virtual environment (recommended):

Conda is a packaging tool and installer that aims to do more than what pip does; handle library dependencies outside of the Python packages as well as the Python packages themselves. Conda also creates a virtual environment, like virtualenv does.

Check conda is installed and in your path:

$ conda -V
conda 3.7.0

Make sure conda is up to date:

$ conda update conda

Create your virtual environment:

$ conda create -n yourenvname python=x.x

Activate your virtual environment:

$ source activate yourenvname

Additional commands:

See a list of your virtual envoronments made with conda:

$ conda info -e

To leave virtual environment:

$ source deactivate

To delete virtual environment:

$ conda remove -n yourenvname -all

Install dependencies

While in your virtual environment:

$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Create environment variables

Mac OS:

Display your environment variables


Create environment variables DATABASE_URL (format: mysql+mysqlconnector://username:password@host:port/databaseSchema) and CONSUMER_RISK_SECRET_KEY (format: supersecretkey) using:

export variable=value

Run api:

$ python


test using postman