Image Placeholder

A library, command-line script and website for generating placeholder images. See for the online version that uses this code.


Perl library, available from CPAN. Comes with a command-line script, used like so:

placeholder --background-color=999 400x300 > test.png

To install this, you will need to be running perl (at least 5.10), and to install it either using the standard cpan command, or better yet cpanm like so:

cpanm --sudo Image::Placeholder

Deploying as a website

If you want to run your own installation of this:

  • inside your corporate firewall so as not to leak HTTP_REFERER values out into the internet
  • within a fort or other structure without internet access
  • on your laptop
  • as another competitor in the highly lucrative online placeholder market

you will need to be running perl (at least 5.10), and to install a bunch of modules from cpan. I'd recommend using cpanm, like so:

cpanm --sudo                                \
    Modern::Perl                            \
    GD                                      \
    Plack                                   \
    Plack::Middleware::Expires              \
    Moose                                   \
    MooseX::FollowPBP                       \

(Download the cpanm script to your server and run it as perl cpanm)

Installation notes for ubuntu You might need to install gd:

sudo apt-get -y install libgd2-xpm-dev build-essential

... and IO:All

cpanm -S -v IO::All

Install plack, follow these instructions:

Once those are installed, clone this repository, cd into it and run the command:

plackup -Ilib placeholder.psgi

which will run it on port 5000.

Check the Plack website for more information on the various ways of deploying Plack powered websites.