
A glorified stolen dot files

Primary LanguageLua

Glorious Dotfiles

A Stolen configs from different people

some are mine tho

feel free to steal it


  • OS: I use Arch, btw
  • WM: AwesomeWM
  • Terminal: Kitty, URxvt-pixbuf
  • File Manager: Nemo
  • Launcher: Rofi
  • Editor: Neovim
  • Browser: Firefox


Here is a complete list of dependencies needed for making these AwesomeWM setup to work.

If you notice that something is missing, please open an issue so I can add the dependency to this table.

Dependency Description Why/Where is it needed?
awesome Window manager yeah awesome
rofi-git Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement Application launcher
Compton-tryone A compositor for X11 compositor with kawase-blur
blueman Manages bluetooth For bluetooth widgets
xfce4-settings-manager Manages basic settings System Settings
xfce4-power-manager Manages battery/power settings Power Settings
acpi Show battery status and other ACPI info Charger notifications
pulseaudio, libpulse Sound system Volume widgets and keybinds
redshift Controls screen temperature Night mode command
mpd Server-side application for playing music Music widgets
mpc Minimalist command line interface to MPD Music widgets
maim Takes screenshots (improved scrot) Screenshot keybinds
feh Image viewer and wallpaper setter Screenshot previews, wallpapers
Sans from Undertale
  • Google Sans
  • San Francisco Display

Theme preview




Dashboard in action

I also added a bunch of useless buttons in dashboard.

Rofi Application Dashboard

Wallpaper. Credits to the owner!


If you are the owner of one of my config and want to take it down, just tell me. Otherwise, thank you. Credits to the owners. The awesome theme itself is a fork of PapaElGringo's material-awesome Check his repos, he got some awesome sh*ts. No pun intended.

If you have a question, feel free to open an issue.