Front-End Architecture Document

Table of Content


In order to maintain high quality of delivery and prevent technical debt from being created, we had to agree to a series of guidelines and good practices of how to plan, structure and write applications in Angular

Mobile/Tablet Support

  • List of supported devices.
  • Required Platforms
    • IOS
    • Android
  • Responsive design(breakpoints)

Style Guides


Internationalization (i18n) and Translations

Best Practices


Application Deployment

Styling and Design Systems

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Microfrontends vs. Monoliths


  • State Management and Sync Strategies
    • Pushing Data from the Server
    • REST vs. GraphQL
    • Loading and Error States
    • Caching Requests - Authorization/Authentication
  • Bundle Management
    • Code Splitting
    • Tree-Shaking
    • Lazy-loading
  • Dependency Management
    • node_modules
    • npm / Yarn
    • Build your own registry
  • Application Deployment
    • Build Processes
    • Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
    • Docker / Kubernetes
    • Hosting and Content Delivery Networks
  • Application Monitoring
    • End user monitoring
    • Synthetic monitoring
  • Testing
  • Styling and Design Systems
    • CSS Methodologies
    • CSS-in-JS
  • Linting
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Accessibility
  • Localization
  • Client-Side Routing
  • Font Loading and Rendering
  • Image Optimization
  • Performance
    • Inlining CSS
    • RAIL
    • PRPL
    • Layout Performance
    • Runtime Performance
    • Auditing
  • Microfrontends vs. Monoliths
  • Backends for Front End
    • Custom back-end solutions
    • Out of box solutions
    • Google Firebase
    • Firebase Functions
  • Server-Side Rendering vs. Static Site Generation
  • WebAssembly
  • Type Systems
  • Monitoring and Alerting
  • Design Patterns
  • Documentation
    • Platform Architecture
    • Sequence Diagrams/User Flows
    • Developer Workflow
    • Performance Budgets
    • Testing Strategy
    • Runbooks
    • Compliance Considerations
    • SOX
    • GDPR
    • WCAG 2.0
    • PCI
    • HIPAA
    • etc.
  • Repo creation
    • Local Setup
    • Develop Against Different Environments
    • Run Tests
    • Conventional Commits
    • Code Review Process
    • Library Release Process
  • Templates and tooling
    • Bootstrapping new projects
    • Updating legacy code (Codemods)