

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Item Catalog Project


This film item catalog is a full stack application that allows users to login into the system and add films to the database. Logged-in users may modify and delete the items they have created. Only authenticated users are allowed to make any changes to the database.

To do list

  • Allows users to login into the system via Google or Facebook account.
  • Registered user can add/delete/update film categories.
  • Registered user can add/delete/update films of the specific category.
  • Above all the data is stored in database file.

What's included

Python Module

  • sqlalchemy (1.2.9)
  • flask(1.0.2)
  • oauth2client(4.1.2)
  • requests(2.19.1)
  • pip(10.0.1)

Project Structure

├── app.py
├── database_setup.py
├── database_populator.py
├── fb_client_secrets.json
├── client_secrets.json
├── filmcatalog.db
├── README.md
├── static
│   └── style.css
└── templates
    ├── base.html
    ├── delete.html
    ├── delete_category.html
    ├── edit_category.html
    ├── index.html
    ├── items.html
    ├── login.html
    ├── new_category.html
    ├── new_item.html
    ├── new_item2.html
    ├── update_item.html
    └── view_item.html

Quick Start

1.Clone or download the VM configuration file 'Vagrantfile' which resides in the directory fullstack/vagrant/.

git clone https://github.com/udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vm  fullstack

2.Download above Project Files in the directory fullstack/vagrant/catalog.

3.Change current directory to fullstack/vagrant/.

vagrant up

This will cause Vagrant to download the Ubuntu operating system and install it. ,then open up the VM. 4.After successfully installed,type code below to connect to the VM.

vagrant ssh

5.Type code below to change to the shared directory.

cd /vagrant

6.Change the current directory to the fullstack/vagrant/catalog and

7.Install and update pip module.

 curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python3.6

8.Install sqlalchemy module.

 sudo pip3 install sqlalchemy

9.Install flask module.

 sudo pip3 install flask

10.Install oauth2client module.

 sudo pip3 install oauth2client

11.run the below command to set up database.

 python3.6 database_setup.py

12.run the below command to populate data set.

 python3.6 database_populator.py

13.run the below command to generate a web server.

 python3.6 app.py

14.Open terminal, and type url:http://localhost:5000/ to use this app.

Necessary Steps

Google credentials file

  • Go to https://console.developers.google.com/ to add a Web APP named 'Favourite Film APP'and activate Google OAuth Authorization.
  • Add http://localhost:5000 as Authorized JavaScript origins and Website URL.
  • Add http://localhost:5000/ http://localhost:5000/login/ http://localhost:5000/gconnect http://localhost:5000/logout as Authorized redirect URIs.
  • After saving, download JSON and rename the file to client_secrets.json and replace the file with the same name in the project directory.

Facebook credentials file

  • Go to https://developers.facebook.com/appsto add a Web APP named 'Favourite Film APP'and activate Facebook OAuth Authorization.
  • Add http://localhost:5000 as Authorized JavaScript origins and Website URL.
  • Add http://localhost:5000/ http://localhost:5000/login/ http://localhost:5000/fbconnect http://localhost:5000/logout as Authorized redirect URIs.
  • Add your Client_id and Client_secret in the fb_client_secrets.json file and replace the file with the same name in the project directory.

Helpful Resources



  • The version of Flask 1.x is necessary.
  • The version of Python 3.6.x is necessary.
  • The first time you run this project you must follow above 14 steps,but when you run next time you can only run step 3/4/5/6/13/14 in order.
  • Type vagrant haltin terminal when you need to close VM .