
Node + Request = Local URL testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node + Request = Local URL testing

#DESCRIPTION A little thing I hacked together to quickly test response codes of pages in a site. It's not brilliant but may be useful for others

#PREREQUISITES requires node.js and request node package (https://github.com/mikeal/request)

#USAGE Ensure var connection is changed to your web server address to test (i.e. http://localhost/mysite, http://myexample.com)

Build list of URLs to check (I haven't got this to be done automagically; been scraping sitemaps)

Add list of URLS to var URLStoTest as string (i.e. "/about-us/", "/contacts/", "/products/"

Open a terminal and type node urltester.js

It'll run and return a response code for each requested URL....