
An abstraction of isolates providing an easy way to work with different threads

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Easy Isolate

Flutter pub package GitHub

An abstraction of isolates providing an easy way to work with different threads


  • Worker
  • Parallel
    • Run - Executes a function in a different thread.
    • Map - Works like a map but each value will be adapted in a different thread
    • Foreach - Works like a for in loop but each value will be executed in a different thread

How it works


A worker is responsible for 1 new thread (isolate). Everything you need to do to start a new thread is initiate a new worker and call the init function providing 2 parameters, a MainMessageHandler and an IsolateMessageHandler.

void main() async {
  final worker = Worker();
  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler);  

void mainHandler(dynamic data, SendPort isolateSendPort) {

void isolateHandler(dynamic data, SendPort mainSendPort, SendErrorFunction onSendError) {

The mainHandler will receive messages coming from the isolate, and the isolateHandler the messages coming from the main thread.

Important note: Since you are working with different threads remember that they don't share the same space of memory, which means that all instances and states present on the main thread are not available on the new threads.

Because of these particularities, the isolateHandler should be a top-level function or a static method.

You can use the worker initialMessage parameter to start the isolate sending an initial message. When the worker be ready, the initial message will be sent to the isolate and received in the isolateHandler.

  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler, initialMessage: 'firstMessage');  

void isolateHandler(dynamic data, SendPort mainSendPort, SendErrorFunction onSendError) {
  // Event 'firstMessage' received when the worker is ready

Now that you have the worker ready, and with that a new thread running, the next step is understanding how to communicate between them.

Sending messages to the isolate/thread

There are two ways to communicate with the isolate, the first one is using the method available in the worker worker.sendMessage(null), and the other one is using the SendPort inside the mainHandler. Let's suppose that you are running more than one worker in your application and want to handle all the incoming messages from the isolates to the main using only one handler. For this case, the SendPort inside the mainHandler is always related to the isolate that is sending the message.

Example using the sendMessage:

void main() async {
  final worker = Worker();
  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler);


Example using the mainHandler SendPort:


void mainHandler(dynamic data, SendPort isolateSendPort) {


Sending messages to the main thread

There is only one way to communicate with the main thread through the isolate, using the main SendPort available in the isolateHandler.


void isolateHandler(dynamic data, SendPort mainSendPort, SendErrorFunction onSendError) {

Good to know: Only primitive types can be sent on the messages, but you can send class objects between them containing the primitive values. Example: You can instantiate a Car class inside the isolate and send it to the main thread, the object will be copied to another instance with all the primitive values intact.

Queue mode

By default, both handlers will handle all messages without awaiting the last one being processed. If your handlers are asynchronous and needs to be awaited before handling the next message, you can enable the queueMode. With this, only one message will be handled by time.

  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler, queueMode: true);

Now that you know how to start a worker and send messages, this plugin provides more two handlers on the init function, the errorHandler and exitHandler.

The errorHandler will be called on two occasions, the first one is when any unhandled exception being thrown on the isolate sending the exception stacktrace. The other one is using the SendErrorFunction inside the isolateHandler, can be used to send the errors manually without necessarily having an exception.

Example using the errorHandler:

void main() async {
  final worker = Worker();
  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler, errorHandler);


void errorHandler(dynamic data) {
  // Handle the error here


Example sending messages manually:


void isolateHandler(dynamic data, SendPort mainSendPort, SendErrorFunction onSendError) {

The exitHandler is called when the worker is disposed or the isolate is closing.


void main() async {
  final worker = Worker();
  await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler, errorHandler, exitHandler);


void exitHandler(dynamic data) {
  // Handle the exit here


Important note: The isolate automatically closes when unhandled exceptions happens inside the isolate. One way to prevent this is using the runGuardedZone or wrapping the operations with try catchs.

Killing the worker

To kill the worker and close the open ports, the worker.dispose() should be called. By default, the dispose method will wait until the last message received (before dispose being called), or the current operations inside the isolate being processed to kill the isolate. The immediate option, worker.dispose(immediate: true), can be used to kill the isolate the fast as possible, without necessarily awaiting the last message or current operations finishing.

Congratulation, now you are ready to use the worker in your project.


The Parallel class provides a set of ready to use methods including:


Executes a function in a different thread.

The run method will run the handler function provided in a separated thread, returning a value or not. There is also an entryValue parameter that can be used inside the handler.


Future main() async {
  final result = await Parallel.run(isEven, entryValue: 1);

// Top-level function (or static)
bool isEven({int? item}) {
  return item != null && item % 2 == 0;


Executes a map function in a different thread.

The map method works like a traditional mapper, iterating through the values, adapting with the handler function provided in the parameters, and returning a new List with the adapted values.


Future main() async {
  final result = await Parallel.map([1, 2, 3, 4], intToStringAdapter);
  print(result); // Should print all the values as a String

// Top-level function (or static)
String intToStringAdapter(int i) {
  return i.toString();


Executes a 'for in' loop function in a different thread.

The foreach method works like a traditional 'for in' loop, iterating through the values, running the handler function on each value provided in the parameters.


Future main() async {
  await Parallel.foreach(['test'], writeFile);

// Top-level function (or static)
void writeFile(String name) {
  File(Directory.systemTemp.path + '/$name').createSync();


The example project is a simulation of a file downloader using a separated thread for each download. It will help you to understand how it works in practice. See the code here.



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