
Weather forecast application searching by city. Designed to practice automated testing, deploy to app stores, and create CI/CD workflows.

Primary LanguageHTML

Clique aqui para ver a versão em Português.

📄 Project

iWeather is a weather forecast application by city. The application was developed to practice automated testing in React Native, deploy to app stores (Play Store and Apple Store), and create CI/CD workflows for automation.

💻 Technologies

  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Jest
  • React Native Testing Library
  • Expo Application Services (EAS)
  • AsyncStorage
  • Axios
  • DayJS

🔖 Layout

✔️ Test Coverage


🚀 Running the project

To run the project, you need to create an account and generate an API key.

1. Clone this repository to your machine
$ git clone https://github.com/luc-ribeiro/iweather-react-native.git

2. Install dependencies
$ npm i

3. Create a .env file following the structure of .env.example. Use the generated API key.

4. Run the project with the command:
$ npm start

- With Expo Go open on your device, scan the QR code in the terminal
Note: Expo Go must be installed on your mobile device

- To run the tests:
$ npm test

- To generate the test report:
$ npm run test:coverage